Gentle Heart Journeys

Parent Grief Support Group

Promo FINAL Grief Group

If you’ve lost a child and are grieving…you’re grieving because you loved deeply. You may feel as if there is a hole in your heart. Grieving the loss of your child was not part of your life’s plan.


Although your grief journey is personal, it can be eased when you know you’re not alone.  When grieving parents gather, they often feel a sense of relief when they no longer have to put on a good face and pretend they’re okay.

Sometimes, we just want others to see us as we are. Some days we are not okay…we just need others to make space for that, and for us.

~Joanne Cacciatore, PhD

Author of “Bearing the Unbearable”

There is healing that occurs when groups gather. Grieving parents help support each other, and in turn, are supported themselves.  You realize you’re not alone. 


It is our intention to create a safe gathering place for you to begin or continue your healing journey…


Please join us for the 6-week Gentle Heart Journeys Parent Grief Support. This program will be co-facilitated by Bonnie Compton, APRN, BC, CPNP., and Karen Horn. 


Each session is created to provide emotional support and skills to help you grieve and heal. We will be present to help guide you through your grief journey, as you learn to honor your loved one, keep them present, while continuing to live your own life fully.


  • For parents who’ve lost a child aged birth to 18 years old.
  • It has been at least 3 months since the loss and within 3 years after the loss


Upcoming date to be announced


This is an online program


$120 for the 6 week session
$200 for couple’s 6 week session

For more information call 843-718-1551 or email

Sign up Today!

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      Bonnie Compton, APRN, BC, CPNP, an End of Life Doula, Conscious Living and Dying Coach and Grief Practitioner.

      Bonnie has trained extensively in grief and traumatic grief. Her heartfelt passion is in supporting bereaved parents. Bonnie reminds parents that their grief is as deep as their love is for their child. She offers that although their grief journey is filled with heartache and pain, it is eased when not traveled alone, but supported by others along the way. Bonnie speaks directly about the importance of the grieving process, and offers helpful tools, resources, and effective treatment modalities for those who are suffering.


      She’s also an Author, Speaker, Child and Adolescent Therapist, Parent Coach, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, and Certified RTM Trauma Practitioner.

      Karen Horn

      Karen Horn is a local Charleston Mom, and business owner. On June 3, 2021 she suddenly became a bereaved Mother. Karen and her husband lost their beloved 9 year old daughter, Insley to a brain tumor. Since Insley’s death Karen has become an advocate for more grief support for bereaved parents and siblings in her community.  Karen’s grief journey led her to many books, social media discoveries, and grief support groups, led by incredible therapists around the country. Karen’s intention is to bring hope and comfort to fellow local parents who are lost after losing their child. Karen and her husband Wade, now run a nonprofit in honor of Insley. They are raising their 9 year old son, helping him navigate his own grief.  Karen hopes to be of support to bereaved parents who have had to bear the unbearable.

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