Why Kids Don’t Listen… They share their secrets!
And yet, no one taught you how to parent your individual children, who all come into this world with their unique personalities, needs, struggles, and gifts. If you’re like the parents I work with every day in my Parenting With Courage coaching practice, right now you may feel frustrated, fed up, and/or like you’re failing.
Yet it doesn’t have to be that difficult. There IS a simpler way, better way to parent that’s more rewarding, fulfilling, and expansive. When you consciously choose to parent with courage, you powerfully and purposefully create a new family dynamic – one that honors your kids for who they really are while giving you the tools you need to enjoy every age and stage (even the most challenging ones!).
Click here to schedule your complimentary
20-minute Parenting With Courage Call.
As a licensed child & adolescent therapist, parent coach, and best selling author of Mothering With Courage, I’ve been working with families for more than 30 years to create empowered, healthy, and lifelong change within your unique family dynamic so you can wake up every day feeling confident and clear about how you raise your kids, enjoy your marriage, and successfully navigate life’s natural ups and downs.
Publisher’s Weekly named my book Mothering With Courage a top parenting book of 2017. I specifically wrote my best selling, must-read compassionate guide for moms who are ready to STOP feeling like parenting is a constant battle, struggle, or failure and START awakening their innate ability to come from love, trust their heart, and lead with courage.
“What moms often forget, or perhaps don’t even realize, is that at the end of the day they have the answers within. Mothering with Courage provides the tools to help mothers tap into their own knowing. With courage, a mom learns to remain open-hearted, to become self-reflective, and to choose to rise above the ups and downs of motherhood and see her children and herself in a different light. A courageous perspective will enable her to consciously choose what works best for herself and her children. It is only with courage that she can focus on and reflect on her own way of being as a mom, and then let go of what no longer serves her and her family. As a result, the courageous mom feels more confident in her decisions, learns to adjust when necessary, and enjoys her journey as a mom.”